- High Performance Computing and Parallel Processing
- DevOps and MLOps and Infrastructure as Code
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Human Computer Interraction
- Persian: Native
- English: Full professional proficiency
- Deutsch: Elementary proficiency
Ranked 18st in the Iranian university entrance exam for the Master's Degree in Computer Science
2021Ranked top 1% among more than 190,000 students who participated in nationwide entrance examination of undergraduate studies in Iranian universities
- Programming LanguagesC/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, MATLAB, Erlang
- Client DevelopmentHTML/CSS, TailwindCSS, ReactJS, ReactNative, Android Studio, ElectronJS, Qt/QML (C++)
- Machine/Deep LearningNumPy, OpenCV, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Tensorflow, Huggingface, Scikit-Learn
- Storage & DatabasePostgreSQL, MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Cassandra/ScyllaDB, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Redis, Minio
- Container OrchestrationDocker, DockerSwarm, DockerCompose, Kubernetes (K3s, RKE2, EKS), Helm, Nomad
- High Performance ComputingSlurm, SunGridEngine, Rocks Cluster, Nvidia Enroot, Nvidia Pyxis, Singularity
- Infrastructure & CloudTerraform, Ansible, Packer, ESXi, OpenStack, Hetzner Cloud, Amazon Web Services
- Monitoring & AlertingGrafana, GrafanaAgent, Promtail, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Loki, Mimir, Tempo
- CI/CD & AutomationDroneCI, GitlabCI, TravisCI, Github Actions, Azure Pipelines, ArgoCD, GitOps
- LowCode & NoCodeN8n, Hasura, Strapi, ReactAdmin